RETAIN rather than Re-Train!

Corporate Team Building

Tired of constant turnover and re-training? Feel like more workday energy is spent navigating employee relationships than actual work?

Yeah, that sounds exhausting.

Let’s re-direct those resources into retaining your staff and creating a strong team atmosphere with team-building events that your staff will actually look forward to attending. We’ve got ideas and base packages, but you know your staff best – let us know what will work for you and we’ll help make it happen!

  • Get out of the office, shake off those stressful deadlines, and learn something new about those people you see everyday. There will be treasures to find, trials to overcome, and a whole lot of fun in between. Participants are encouraged through challenges to problem solve creatively, focus on finding team strengths, and approach communicating in fresh new ways.

    It all ends with a grand finale challenge, involving all teams, at the last location.

    We create the hunt around your needs and desires > Walking distance-only? Amazing! Biking? Even better! Vehicles? Let’s carpool!

    Before the big day, we’ll help break your staff into teams (or one team for small businesses) and send a list of helpful items & hints, and a fillable, digital poster to help build excitement around the office. Once the day arrives, suit-up (or dress-up!) for a challenging, madcap adventure around town.

    Base price: $500.00 for up to 10 participants

    10+ participants – no problem! Contact us for pricing.

    -Includes all supplies required for hunt & challenges, prizes, set-up & tear-down, fillable digital poster for workplace distribution, event day staff, and pre-event communication with Mountain Mayhem staff.

    -A rental fee for public park or venue may be additionally required for wrap-up/final challenge, if not located at business space.

  • Have staff on different schedules, busy season, or just generally tough to get everyone together?

    How about hands-on, engaging team building at your workplace in an hour? Just supply a room large enough for your staff and we’ll bring everything else, mostly the fun! We’ll build the theme around situations your staff are working through overcoming (e.g. time management, conflict, self-care, communication). Three cumulative workshops scheduled when it works for you. Workshops include individual & team games, challenges, and wrap-up discussion.

    Base price: $300.00 for up to 10 participants (3 x 1 hour workshops)

    For 10+ participants, please contact us for pricing.

    -Includes all supplies required for games and challenges, set-up & tear-down, and communication with Mountain Mayhem staff.

  • Have an idea you’d like to bring to fruition? Always wanted to host a company picnic, holiday party, or anniversary event, but don’t have the time to organize? Fantastic! We’d love to help you make it happen. Contact us below and let’s get started😊

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